7-Year-Old Writes Hilarious Letter In Order To Miss School

A 7-year-old Iowa girl named Cara really didn't want to go back to school after the holiday break. So much so, she wrote a mock missive extending her vacation.

"The school company is taking a brake so the kids will get one more week of school off and will need your child to sign their name here," the little girl wrote. Underneath was a line with her name on it.

Her father Terry Grimard posted his daughter's gutsy letter to Reddit, and it subsequently went viral, garnering more than 2.5 million views. About the huge response, the dad told ABC News, "It's amazing. When I posted it, I didn't think anything of it. When I looked last night, I said 'Wow, it's kind of blown up.'"

He takes partial credit for inspiring the letter, explaining, "I kept teasing her because I was off from work also. I was saying 'Guess what Monday is? I have to go back to work and you have to go back to school.' She jokes around like she doesn't like school, but she does, she enjoys it."

SOURCE: Parenting.com
